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Japanese vocabulary: Motorcycle

Motorcycle-related Japanese vocabulary can help you describe and converse about ...

Japanese Vocabulary: Garbage

Waste management is an important part of protecting the environment and maintain...

Japanese Vocabulary: Bicycle

Bicycles are a popular and widely used means of transport around the world. In J...

Japanese Vocabulary: Names of human body parts

Hello everyone, in this article Injavi would like to introduce to you the names ...

Japanese Vocabulary: Laundry

Laundry is a daily and necessary activity in life. Understanding and using Japan...

Japanese Vocabulary: Cooking Topics

Cooking is a fun and creative activity, and understanding and using Japanese voc...

Things to know to learn Japanese effectively

Learning Japanese is not about diving in and hoping to one day master it. On the...

Japanese Vocabulary: Kitchen

The kitchen is an important place in every home, where we cook, prepare food and...

Japanese vocabulary: Names of plants

The world of plants is extremely rich and diverse. In the article below, let's l...

Japanese vocabulary: When talking about my Family

If you want to talk about your family, you can use the words above to describe y...

Japanese vocabulary: When talking about other people's ...

The Japanese often keep other people's family information private and cannot giv...

Japanese Vocabulary: Animal

Animals play an important role in ecosystems and provide benefits to humans. The...

Why is learning Japanese not effective?

Many of you continue to adopt the habit of studying since high school, focusing ...

Japanese vocabulary movies topic

Do you like to watch movies or go to the movies often? If yes, then please add t...

Things to know for efective Japanese language learning

Learning Japanese is not about diving in and hoping to become proficient one day...

Efficiently Learning Kanji

Kanji, the Chinese characters used in the Japanese language, can be a daunting c...

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