Why is learning Japanese not effective?

Many of you continue to adopt the habit of studying since high school, focusing on studying to pass tests and exams. They only focus on memorizing enough vocabulary and grammar to get a high score every day, but rarely apply the knowledge in practice. As a result, after a while, they forget part of what they have learned and their Japanese language skills decrease.

Jun 14, 2023 - 11:42
Why is learning Japanese not effective?

If continuing to learn in this ineffective way, need to rethink and change. It is recommended that you learn Japanese not only for the exam, but for practical use. Here are some habits that according to Injavi you guys have.

  1. Study to pass the test: Make your study goal to put Japanese into practice and for future use, not just to get temporary results on tests. If you continue to learn Japanese in this ineffective way, you will fall behind learners with practical goals. Make your learning goals clear again.
  2. Don't Use Imagination: Use your imagination when learning Japanese. Create situations and associate vocabulary with existing concepts, knowledge or vocabulary. Don't simply read and memorize basic vocabulary, but create strong associations that are easy to remember and apply.
  3. Do not repeat words over and over: The method of repeating words over and over can be helpful when learning English, but not when learning Japanese. Rewriting vocabulary many times without making connections between strokes and sets of characters in Kanji will make you forget how to write. Instead, find other methods of learning Japanese that are more effective, such as using mobile apps or using structured vocabulary exercises.
  4. Take advantage of existing knowledge: Don't treat Japanese as a completely new language. Many words in Japanese have English or Vietnamese roots. Connect knowledge from English or Vietnamese with Japanese to easily remember new vocabulary. Take advantage of this common origin to learn Japanese more effectively.
  5. Learn grammar before vocabulary: Sometimes, learning grammar before vocabulary can help you understand language structure and use vocabulary more effectively. Grammar is the "fundamental structure" in every language, and mastering it will help you build a solid foundation for learning Japanese.
  6. Find a companion: Finding a Japanese study partner can create competition and motivation. You can learn and practice Japanese together, share knowledge and experiences, overcome difficulties and make progress together.
  7. Listen and speak often: To develop listening and speaking skills, listen and speak Japanese often. Try to participate in language activities such as communicating with native speakers, participating in Japanese study groups, or even doing self-practice speaking exercises.
  8. Learning vocabulary by topic: Instead of learning vocabulary randomly, focus on learning vocabulary by specific topics. This helps you visualize and use the vocabulary in real-life context.
  9. Read and write often: Reading books, stories, newspapers and journaling or writing Japanese articles daily helps you familiarize yourself with the language structure and expand your vocabulary.
  10. Use Japanese language learning apps and tools: There are many mobile apps and online tools to help learn Japanese. Examples include Duolingo, Memrise, Anki, Jisho, Kanji Study and Tandem. Take advantage of these materials to improve your skills.
  11. Take a course or class: Maybe you want to take a Japanese language course at a school or educational center. Taking a class will help you have a structured learning and be guided by professional teachers.
  12. Watch Japanese movies and listen to music: Watching movies, anime, or listening to Japanese music can help you familiarize yourself with new tones, intonations, and vocabulary.

Note that everyone has their own learning style, so experiment and find the Japanese learning method that works best for you.

InJavi "InJavi" is a website that provides information for foreigners to enjoy life and visit in Japan more smoothly. This website is easy to use even for first-timers to Japan and those who are not very good at Japanese, and supports multiple languages. 「InJavi」は、外国人が日本の生活や観光をよりスムーズに楽しむための情報を提供するウェブサイトです。 初めて日本を訪れる方や日本語が苦手な方でも使いやすい、多言語対応サイトです。