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General info

Holidays in 2024 in Japan

Many of you may wonder about the holiday schedule and consecutive holidays in 20...

What to do when an Earthquake strikes

Experiencing a significant earthquake can be unnerving, but staying calm and kno...

Instructions for Registering Insurance for Residents in...

One of the great benefits of becoming a resident in a foreign country is the ass...

Exploring Japanese Surnames

Japan, a land of ancient traditions and modern marvels, is a place where even su...

Compare Narita Airport and Haneda Airport

Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun, beckons travelers from around the world with ...

Narita International Airport: Japan's Premier Gateway t...

Narita International Airport, located in Chiba Prefecture, is a prominent symbol...

Japan visa extension guide: Process and conditions

While living and working in Japan, you may need to extend your visa to continue ...

Business Visa in Japan: Procedures and Requirements

Japan is known for its vibrant business environment and opportunities. If you're...

The process of Applying for a Japanese Visa: From docum...

Obtaining a visa for Japan can be an exciting and important step for those plann...

Marriage Visa in Japan: Process and Requirements

If you are planning to marry a Japanese and want to live together in Japan, then...

Instructions on how to register a My Number in Japan fo...

Discover step-by-step instructions for foreigners on how to register a My Number...

Detailed instructions on Visa types and admission cond...

Nowadays, studying abroad has become a popular choice for foreigners who want to...

How to sort and dispose of garbage in Japan

Sorting and disposing of garbage in Japan is taken very seriously, and it is imp...

White Day in Japan

White Day is a holiday celebrated in Japan on March 14th, exactly one month afte...

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