Japanese Vocabulary: Names of human body parts

Hello everyone, in this article Injavi would like to introduce to you the names of Japanese body parts names. Touch or think of your body parts and say their names in Japanese.

Jun 19, 2023 - 13:08
Jun 13, 2023 - 16:50
Japanese Vocabulary: Names of human body parts

The order of words is placed from the top of the head to the bottom of the heel, very convenient for you to practice. Some added words are not shown in the picture.

New learners can skip the kanji at the beginning, just learn hiragana or romaji.

Japanese names for the parts of the head and neck:

  1. 頭 あたま atama : head. More detailed facial parts
  2. 髪の⽑ かみのけ kamino millet : hair
  3. ⾸ くび kubi : neck
  4. ⽿ mimi : ear
  5. 喉  のど nodo : throat
  6. 頭頂部 touchoubu : the top of the head
  7. 前頭部 (zentoubu) : the front part of the head
  8. 後頭部 koutoubu: the back of the head.
  9. 脳(のう・なずき)Nou, Nazuki : Brain

Japanese names of facial parts

  1. 睫⽑(まつげ)Matsuge : Eyelashes
  2. 眉(まゆ)Mayu: Eyebrows
  3. ⽬・眼(め・まなこ)Me, Manako : Eyes
  4. 瞳・眸・睛(ひとみ)Hitomi : Eyeball
  5. 髭・鬚・髯(ひげ)Hige : Beard
  6. 頬(ほお)Hoo : Cheeks
  7. 額 hitai : forehead
  8. 瞼(まぶた)Mabuta: Eyelids
  9. ⿐(はな)Hana : Nose
  10. ⽿(みみ)Mimi : Ears
  11. ⼝(くち)⼝⾓(こうかく)Kuchi, Koukaku : Mouth
  12. 唇(くちびる)Kuchibiru: Lips
  13. ⻭(は)Ha : Teeth
  14. ⾆(した・べろ)Shita, Bero : Tongue
  15. 顎(あご・あぎと)Ago, Agito : Chin
  16. 項(うなじ)Unaji : Neck
  17. 下あご shita ago : lower chin
  18. 顎 ago : chin
  19. 旋⽑(つむじ) Tsumuji : Twisted Hair, Twisted Hair

Clone Japanese name

  1. 上半⾝(じょうはんしん) Jouhanshin : Upper body
  2. 下半⾝(かはんしん)Kahanshin: Lower body
  3. 胴(どう)Dou: Human body
  4. 肩(かた)Kata : Shoulders
  5. 脇・腋(わき)Waki : Armpit
  6. 胸(むね) Mune : Chest
  7. 腹・肚(はら)Hara : Belly
  8. 臍(へそ) Heso : Navel
  9. 背中(senaka) : Back
  10. 腰(こし)Koshi : Waist
  11. 尻・臀(しり)Shiri : Ass

Hand part Japanese name

  1. ⼿ (て) te : tay
  2. 上肢(じょうし) Joushi : Upper limb (hand)
  3. 腕(うで・かいな) Ude : Arm
  4. 上腕(じょうわん)Jouwan : Upper arm
  5. 前腕(ぜんわん)Zenwan : Lower arm
  6. 肘・肱・臂・(ひじ)Hiji : Elbow
  7. ⼿⾸ (てくび ) tekubi : wrist
  8. ⼿の掌(てのひら)Te no hira : Palm of the hand
  9. 指(ゆび)Yubi : Fingers
  10. ⽖(つめ)Tsume: Nails
  11. 親指 おやゆび oyayubi : thumb
  12. ⼈差し指 ひとさしゆび hitosashi yubi : index finger, pointing finger
  13. 中指 なかゆび naka yubi : middle finger
  14. 薬指 くすりゆび kusuri yubi : ring finger, pick finger (when boiling or dissolving)
  15. ⼩指 こゆび koyubi: little finger

Japanese name for the foot part

  1. ⾜・脚(あし)Ashi Chan
  2. 下肢 Kashi : Lower limb
  3. ⽖先(つまさき)Tsumasaki : Toenails
  4. 腿・股(もも・また)Momo – mata : Thighs
  5. 膝(ひざ・ひかがみ)Hiza, Hikagami : Knee
  6. 脛(すね・はぎ)Sune, Hagi : Legs
  7. 踝(くるぶし)Kurubushi : Feet
  8. 踵(かかと・きびす)Kakato : Heel
  9. つま先 つまさき tsumasaki : toe

Japanese names for internal organs

  1. ⼼臓 shizou : heart
  2. 肝臓 kanzou : Liver
  3. 腎臓 : jinou : kidney
  4. 気管 kikan : trachea
  5. ⾎管 kekkan : blood vessel
  6. 胃 i : stomach
  7. 胃腸 ichou : gut
  8. ⼤腸 daichou : colon
  9. 膀胱 boukou : bladder
  10. 胆囊 tannou : gallbladder

Other Japanese Body Parts Names

  1. ⽪ kawa : skin
  2. 筋⾁ kinniku : me
  3. ⽖ tsume : nail
  4. ⽑ ke : feathers
  5. タン tan : phlegm
  6. ⾻ hone : bone
  7. 動脈 : strong move
  8. 静脈 joumyaku : vein
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