Japanese Vocabulary: Meal

Meals are an important topic in our daily lives. In fact, Japanese has a wide range of vocabulary related to meals and, in general, food. In this article, we will learn some common Japanese vocabulary related to the topic of meals.

Jun 28, 2023 - 14:25
Japanese Vocabulary: Meal
  1. 食事 (しょくじ) - Shokuji - Meal
  2. 朝ごはん (あさごはん) - Asagohan - Breakfast
  3. 昼ごはん (ひるごはん) - Hirugohan - Lunch
  4. 晩ごはん (ばんごはん) - Bangohan - Dinner
  5. 都合のいい食べ物 (つごうのいいたべもの) - Tsugou no ii tabemono - Convenient food, easy-to-eat food
  6. 食べ物 (たべもの) - Tabemono - Food
  7. 飲み物 (のみもの) - Nomimono - Beverage, drink
  8. 主食 (しゅしょく) - Shushoku - Staple food
  9. おかず - Okazu - Side dish
  10. スープ (すーぷ) - Supu - Soup
  11. デザート - Dezāto - Dessert
  12. 果物 (くだもの) - Kudamono - Fruit
  13. アルコール - Arukōru - Alcohol
  14. 水 (みず) - Mizu - Water
  15. 熱い飲み物 (あついのみもの) - Atsui nomimono - Hot beverage
  16. 冷たい飲み物 (つめたいのみもの) - Tsumetai nomimono - Cold beverage
  17. ボウル - Bōru - Bowl
  18. 皿 (さら) - Sara - Plate
  19. スプーン - Supūn - Spoon
  20. 箸 (はし) - Hashi - Chopsticks
  21. レストランの予約をする (れすとらんのよやくをする) - Resutoran no yoyaku o suru - Make a restaurant reservation
  22. メニュー (めにゅー) - Menyū - Menu
  23. 茶碗 (ちゃわん) - Chawan - Rice bowl
  24. 鍋 (なべ) - Nabe - Pot
  25. オーブン - Ōbun - Oven
  26. ソース - Sōsu - Sauce
  27. パン - Pan - Bread
  28. 米 (こめ) - Kome - Rice
  29. 麺 (めん) - Men - Noodles
  30. 肉 (にく) - Niku - Meat
  31. 魚 (さかな) - Sakana - Fish
  32. 野菜 (やさい) - Yasai - Vegetables
  33. 卵 (たまご) - Tamago - Egg
  34. チーズ - Chīzu - Cheese
  35. 蜂蜜 (はちみつ) - Hachimitsu - Honey
  36. 塩 (しお) - Shio - Salt
  37. 胡椒 (こしょう) - Koshō - Pepper
  38. 油 (あぶら) - Abura - Oil
  39. 醤油 (しょうゆ) - Shōyu - Soy sauce
  40. 唐辛子 (とうがらし) - Tōgarashi - Chili pepper

These are just some of the common Japanese vocabulary related to the topic of meals. Hopefully, this article will help you improve your Japanese vocabulary and provide useful information when participating in food-related activities during Japanese learning.

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