Japanese Vocabulary: Company

Company (会社 - かいしゃ, kaisha) is a common concept in business and working life. Here are some Japanese vocabulary related to company topics.

Jun 27, 2023 - 14:24
Japanese Vocabulary: Company
  1. 会社 (かいしゃ, kaisha) - Company
  2. 従業員 (じゅうぎょういん, jūgyōin) - Employee, staff
  3. 社長 (しゃちょう, shachō) - Company president, CEO
  4. 部門 (ぶもん, bumon) - Department, division
  5. チーム (chīmu) - Team
  6. 組織 (そしき, soshiki) - Organization
  7. 事業 (じぎょう, jigyō) - Business, enterprise
  8. 利益 (りえき, rieki) - Profit, earnings
  9. 売上高 (うりあげだか, uriagedaka) - Sales revenue
  10. 資本 (しほん, shihon) - Capital
  11. 株式 (かぶしき, kabushiki) - Stock, shares
  12. 役職 (やくしょく, yakushoku) - Position, title
  13. 採用 (さいよう, saiyō) - Recruitment, hiring
  14. 給与 (きゅうよ, kyūyo) - Salary, wages
  15. 昇進 (しょうしん, shōshin) - Promotion, advancement
  16. 評価 (ひょうか, hyōka) - Evaluation, assessment
  17. ミーティング (mītingu) - Meeting, company meeting
  18. 経営 (けいえい, keiei) - Management, administration
  19. 人事 (じんじ, jinji) - Human resources, personnel
  20. 経理 (けいり, keiri) - Accounting, finance
  21. 営業 (えいぎょう, eigyō) - Sales, business development
  22. 企画 (きかく, kikaku) - Planning, project planning
  23. 研究開発 (けんきゅうかいはつ, kenkyū kaihatsu) - Research and development
  24. 品質管理 (ひんしつかんり, hinshitsu kanri) - Quality control, quality management
  25. プロジェクト (purojekuto) - Project

Hopefully the above vocabulary list will help you expand your vocabulary and understanding of the topic "Company" in Japanese. These are important words when you talk about the company, the job and aspects related to the work environment in an organization.

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