Japanese Vocabulary: Laundry

Laundry is a daily and necessary activity in life. Understanding and using Japanese vocabulary related to this topic will help you describe the laundry process and laundry care products accurately. Here are some Japanese vocabulary related to laundry for your reference.

Jun 19, 2023 - 13:01
Japanese Vocabulary: Laundry
  1. 洗濯 (せんたく) - Laundry
  2. 洗濯機 (せんたくき) - Washing machine
  3. 衣類 (いるい) - Clothing
  4. 服 (ふく) - Clothes
  5. タオル (たおる) - Towel
  6. シーツ (しーつ) - Bed sheets
  7. パジャマ (ぱじゃま) - Pajamas
  8. ランドリー (らんどりー) - Laundry room
  9. 洗剤 (せんざい) - Laundry detergent
  10. 柔軟剤 (じゅうなんざい) - Fabric softener
  11. 乾燥機 (かんそうき) - Dryer
  12. 干す (ほす) - Hang dry
  13. 仕上げる (しあげる) - Finish, clean
  14. たたむ (たたむ) - Fold
  15. アイロン (あいろん) - Iron
  16. スチームアイロン (すちーむあいろん) - Steam iron
  17. 洗濯ネット (せんたくねっと) - Laundry bag
  18. 染み抜き (しみぬき) - Stain removal
  19. 乾燥 (かんそう) - Drying
  20. 柔らかくする (やわらかくする) - Soften

Additionally, here are some useful phrases and sentences related to doing laundry:

  1. 洗濯をする (せんたくをする) - To do laundry
  2. 洗濯機に入れる (せんたくきにいれる) - To put in the washing machine
  3. 洗剤を入れる (せんざいをいれる) - To add detergent
  4. プリウォッシュする (ぷりうぉっしゅする) - To pre-wash
  5. 柔軟剤を使う (じゅうなんざいをつかう) - To use fabric softener
  6. 乾燥機で乾かす (かんそうきでかわかす) - To dry in the dryer
  7. アイロンをかける (あいろんをかける) - To iron

Hopefully this article has helped you expand your Japanese vocabulary related to the topic of "laundry". Use these words to create an efficient laundry process and to communicate confidently in the field in a Japanese environment.

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