Delicious food in autumn in Japan

Every season, seasonal specialties or dishes only available for each occasion of the year, encapsulated in both the culture and sense of the season in Japan.

Dec 14, 2022 - 08:08
Feb 3, 2023 - 08:24
Delicious food in autumn in Japan

Nowhere has the joy of eating seasonally been enhanced and received as much as in the land of Phu Tang - where people appreciate nature, always looking for fresh ingredients whenever the season changes.

If every year, cherry lovers can only watch the flowers bloom in the spring, then food lovers cannot miss the ingredients that are only available once in autumn.

Here are some delicious dishes that are loved by many people:

Queen Crab

Autumn in Japan marks when the maple leaves turn a fiery red and Hokkaido enters the queen crab season only once a year.

Not only is it a specialty of Northern Japan, but Hanasaki becomes special because it is only caught once a year when autumn comes. The shell is thorny but blooms like a flower true to the name Hanasaki, embracing the taste of the sea in every fiber of crab meat, rich and sweet.

Hanasaki is also known as the Queen Kombu crab because it lives in an area with a lot of seaweed, the seaweed's fresh water seeps into the crab meat, creating a different delicious taste.

Renkodai – a special fish with a seasonally variable amount of fat.

Renkodai fish – a special type of fish with a fat content that changes over time and through each season, reaching the maximum freshness and deliciousness in autumn, is a sought-after ingredient for a delicious seasonal menu.

Magaki – full flavor “milk of the ocean”

The first impression of Magaki is that the milk belly absorbs nutrients from the waters of Hokkaido, so Magaki oysters are full, sweet and very fragrant.

Magaki milk oysters are therefore compared to "milk of the ocean". Oysters with the taste of the sea resonate with the taste of milk cherished in the roundest, most fragrant belly when Japan is in the autumn.

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