Sukiyaki in Gunma

Sukiyaki is a popular Japanese hot pot dish that is enjoyed throughout Japan, including in Gunma Prefecture.

Mar 5, 2023 - 11:40
Sukiyaki in Gunma
Photo by Zhuojun Yu on Unsplash

Sukiyaki is typically made by cooking thinly sliced beef and vegetables in a savory broth made with soy sauce, sugar, and mirin, a type of sweet rice wine. The dish is often served with raw eggs, which are used as a dipping sauce for the meat and vegetables.

In Gunma, sukiyaki is often made with local ingredients such as wagyu beef and locally grown vegetables such as negi (Japanese green onions) and shungiku (edible chrysanthemum leaves). Gunma is known for its high-quality wagyu beef, which is prized for its tenderness and rich flavor. The beef is often thinly sliced and cooked in the sukiyaki broth along with other ingredients such as tofu, mushrooms, and konjac noodles.

One popular sukiyaki restaurant in Gunma is Kajika, located in the city of Maebashi. Kajika's sukiyaki is made with high-quality Gunma wagyu beef and fresh vegetables, and is cooked tableside in a traditional iron pot. Another popular sukiyaki restaurant is Suzutomi, located in the city of Takasaki. Suzutomi's sukiyaki is made with locally sourced ingredients and is served with a special dipping sauce made from raw eggs and soy sauce.

Sukiyaki is not only a delicious and satisfying meal but is also a social dining experience that brings people together to cook and eat around a shared pot. By enjoying sukiyaki in Gunma, visitors can experience the unique flavors and traditions of the local food culture and enjoy a memorable culinary experience.

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