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7 things foreigners are surprised at when going to pubs...

Coming to the pub, many people were surprised by the small amount of food served...

Discover the tea ceremony - the quintessence of Japanes...

The tea ceremony culture is more and more perfected and popularized, becoming a ...

Do you already know about Sushi?

As a wonderfully addictive dish, full of culture and art, sushi is still quite a...

Types of Japanese Liquor

Traditional Japanese cuisine, or Washoku, was officially included in the list of...

Japanese eating rules

In any country, there are principles in its own culinary culture. Same with Japan.

Dictionary of Sushi Terms

This hand-made dish in Japan has long developed into an international trend. Sus...

Discover the daily meal of Japanese people

In a daily meal of the Japanese, (breakfast, lunch, or dinner), they think that:...

Unique in Japanese culinary culture

Not only in terms of economy, politics or culture, Japanese cuisine also has an ...

Typical Japanese eating style

The style and eating habits of Japanese people today have been much Europeanized...

What is Mochi and the most popular types of Mochi in Ja...

Mochi - Japanese dessert. Mochi are certainly a popular dessert and won the hear...

Japan's strange "Quarter's Procession"

The first Sunday of April every year is the day of the Shinto fertility festival...

6 divine check-in points in Osaka and Kyoto

If you've ever looked around to find expensive check-in places on Instagram when...

12 Japanese makeup styles you should try

As mentioned, the Japanese pay a lot of attention to eye makeup. However, they o...

A market specializing in selling goods left behind on t...

In Japan, the train is the most common means of transport, and the most impressi...

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