Japanese Vocabulary: Bank

Banking is an important part of modern life, and understanding and using Japanese vocabulary related to this topic can aid in banking transactions and interactions.

Jun 23, 2023 - 13:41
Japanese Vocabulary: Bank

Here are some Japanese words related to banking for your reference:

  1. 銀行 (ぎんこう) - Bank
  2. 口座 (こうざ) - Account
  3. 預金 (よきん) - Deposit
  4. 引き出す (ひきだす) - Withdraw
  5. 預ける (あずける) - Deposit, entrust
  6. 預金口座 (よきんこうざ) - Deposit account
  7. 普通預金口座 (ふつうよきんこうざ) - Checking account
  8. 定期預金口座 (ていきよきんこうざ) - Fixed deposit account
  9. 貯金 (ちょきん) - Savings
  10. 貯金する (ちょきんする) - Save money
  11. ローン (ろーん) - Loan
  12. 住宅ローン (じゅうたくろーん) - Home loan, mortgage
  13. 金利 (きんり) - Interest rate
  14. カード (かーど) - Card
  15. クレジットカード (くれじっとかーど) - Credit card
  16. デビットカード (でびっとかーど) - Debit card
  17. ATM (えーてぃーえむ) - Automated teller machine
  18. 通帳 (つうちょう) - Passbook, bankbook
  19. 送金 (そうきん) - Money transfer
  20. 取引明細書 (とりひきめいさいしょ) - Transaction statement

In addition, here are some useful phrases and sentence patterns related to the topic of banking:

  1. 銀行に行きたいです (ぎんこうにいきたいです) - I want to go to the bank.
  2. 口座を開設したいです (こうざをかいせつしたいです) - I want to open an account.
  3. 引き出しの手続きをお願いします (ひきだしのてつづきをおねがいします) - Please assist me with the withdrawal procedure.
  4. ローンの利率はいくらですか (ろーんのりりつはいくらですか) - What is the interest rate for the loan?
  5. 預金明細書をください (よきんめいさいしょをください) - Please give me a deposit statement.

Hopefully this article has helped you expand your Japanese vocabulary related to the topic "banking". Use these words and phrases to interact and conduct banking transactions confidently and efficiently.

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