Japanese Vocabulary: Recruitment Topics

Japanese vocabulary related to the topic of Recruitment.

Jun 26, 2023 - 14:18
Japanese Vocabulary: Recruitment Topics
  1. 採用 (さいよう) - Recruitment, hiring
  2. 求人募集 (きゅうじんぼしゅう) - Job opening, recruitment
  3. 応募 (おうぼ) - Application, applying
  4. 履歴書 (りれきしょ) - Resume, curriculum vitae
  5. 面接 (めんせつ) - Interview
  6. 経験 (けいけん) - Experience
  7. 能力 (のうりょく) - Ability, skill
  8. 資格 (しかく) - Qualification, certification
  9. 採用試験 (さいようしけん) - Employment examination, recruitment test
  10. 応募者 (おうぼしゃ) - Applicant, candidate
  11. 選考 (せんこう) - Selection, screening
  12. 採用通知 (さいようつうち) - Job offer, employment notification
  13. 雇用契約 (こようけいやく) - Employment contract
  14. 給与 (きゅうよ) - Salary, wages
  15. 福利厚生 (ふくりこうせい) - Employee benefits, welfare
  16. 面接官 (めんせつかん) - Interviewer
  17. 採用条件 (さいようじょうけん) - Hiring conditions, employment requirements
  18. 履歴書記入 (りれきしょきにゅう) - Filling out a resume
  19. 応募書類 (おうぼしょるい) - Application documents
  20. 経歴 (けいれき) - Work history, employment record
  21. 自己紹介 (じこしょうかい) - Self-introduction
  22. 職務経験 (しょくむけいけん) - Work experience, job history
  23. 雇用形態 (こようけいたい) - Employment status, type of employment
  24. 退職理由 (たいしょくりゆう) - Reason for resignation
  25. 試用期間 (しようきかん) - Probationary period, trial period
  26. 推薦状 (すいせんじょう) - Letter of recommendation
  27. 求める人材 (もとめるじんざい) - Desired skills, desired talent
  28. 適性検査 (てきせいけんさ) - Aptitude test, suitability assessment
  29. 離職票 (りしょくひょう) - Resignation letter, employment separation document
  30. 職場環境 (しょくばかんきょう) - Work environment, workplace atmosphere

These vocabulary words help you understand the hiring process and the terminology related to this topic. When engaged in a job search or preparing for an interview, mastering this vocabulary will help you interact and communicate effectively with employers and other candidates. Apply them to improve your communication in the field of Japanese recruitment.

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