Japanese Vocabulary: Personality

Personality is an important aspect of describing and understanding people. In Japanese, there are many words used to describe a person's personality.

Jun 23, 2023 - 13:37
Japanese Vocabulary: Personality

Here are some common Japanese vocabulary related to personality:

  1. 優しい (やさしい) - Gentle, kind-hearted
  2. 穏やかな (おだやかな) - Calm, peaceful
  3. 活発な (かっぱつな) - Active, lively
  4. 真面目な (まじめな) - Serious, diligent
  5. 礼儀正しい (れいぎただしい) - Polite, well-mannered
  6. 社交的な (しゃこうてきな) - Sociable, outgoing
  7. 冷静な (れいせいな) - Calm, composed
  8. 感情的な (かんじょうてきな) - Emotional, sentimental
  9. 勇敢な (ゆうかんな) - Brave, courageous
  10. 臆病な (おくびょうな) - Timid, fearful
  11. 大胆な (だいたんな) - Bold, daring
  12. 忍耐強い (にんたいづよい) - Patient, tolerant
  13. 素直な (すなおな) - Honest, sincere
  14. 自信満々な (じしんまんまんな) - Self-confident, full of confidence
  15. 天然な (てんねんな) - Natural, genuine
  16. 内気な (うちきな) - Introverted, shy
  17. 外向的な (がいこうてきな) - Extroverted, outgoing
  18. 積極的な (せっきょくてきな) - Proactive, assertive
  19. 消極的な (しょうきょくてきな) - Passive, passive
  20. 無邪気な (むじゃきな) - Innocent, naive
  21. 強気な (つよきな) - Strong-willed, determined
  22. 弱気な (よわきな) - Timid, weak-willed
  23. 自由奔放な (じゆうほんぽうな) - Carefree, unrestricted
  24. 真剣な (しんけんな) - Serious, earnest
  25. 幼稚な (おうちな) - Childish, immature
  26. 成熟した (せいじゅくした) - Mature, grown-up
  27. 神経質な (しんけいしつな) - Nervous, sensitive
  28. 楽観的な (らっかんてきな) - Optimistic
  29. 悲観的な (ひかんてきな) - Pessimistic
  30. 社交不器用な (しゃこうぶきような) - Socially awkward, lacking social skills

These are just some examples of Japanese vocabulary related to personality. Each word has its own meaning and use, and a person's personality can be described in a variety of words depending on the context and context. Understanding and using these words will help you describe and express a person's personality in Japanese correctly.

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