15 Souvenirs You Should Buy From Japan

Here are souvenirs from Japan to bring back home and make everyone jealous how amazing your trip is.

Oct 19, 2022 - 14:06
Feb 16, 2024 - 10:59
15 Souvenirs You Should Buy From Japan

Are you coming to Japan for a vacation or for a longer stay? Congratulations! People around you are probably jealous. It doesn't matter though. You can appease them by buying them cool stuff from Japan, which is a nice way to say “Look, I've been to this wonderful country and you haven't, but I gave you a souvenir to make you feel like you went”.

  1. Candy & Snacks
  2. Kendama
  3. Good quality folding fan (Sensu)
  4. Tenugui
  5. Japanese themed keychain
  6. Yukata
  7. Electronice device
  8. Hair accessories/jewelry
  9. Train products
  10. Ceramics
  11. Cat goods
  12. Omamori
  13. Chopsticks
  14. Stationery
  15. Fake plastic food

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