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Injavi 編集部

Injavi 編集部

Last seen: 8 hours ago

"InJavi" is a website that provides information for foreigners to enjoy life and visit in Japan more smoothly. This website is easy to use even for first-timers to Japan and those who are not very good at Japanese, and supports multiple languages. 「InJavi」は、外国人が日本の生活や観光をよりスムーズに楽しむための情報を提供するウェブサイトです。 初めて日本を訪れる方や日本語が苦手な方でも使いやすい、多言語対応サイトです。

Member since Feb 6, 2022

Japanese Vocabulary: Travel

Traveling is a fascinating topic when learning Japanese, because it involves dis...

Japanese Vocabulary: Topic Company Title

In the working environment, it is very important to understand and use Japanese ...

Miso - A common ingredient in Japan

Miso is a traditional condiment in Japanese cuisine, made from mold (Aspergillus...

The effects of fasting

Fasting, a prominent method of restoring the body with various expected benefits...

Japanese Vocabulary: Drink

Drinks are an interesting topic when learning Japanese, because it relates to de...

Pollen allergy: Unraveling the mystery with foreigners ...

Japan is a country renowned for its breathtaking cherry blossoms, lush greenery,...

Japanese Vocabulary: Cosmetic

Cosmetics are a popular topic when learning Japanese, especially for those inter...

Haneda airport: Discover what's new at Terminal 3

As one of the busiest and most prestigious airports in the world, Tokyo's Haneda...

Chiba Prefecture: Discovering Japan's Coastal Gem

Situated along the eastern coast of Honshu Island, Chiba boasts a diverse landsc...

Unveiling the Cost of Dental Examinations in Japan

As we strive to maintain optimal oral health, dental examinations play a crucial...

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