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Explore Kanazawa Garden

Kanazawa, a charming city in Central Japan, is a must-see destination for anyone...

Admire the red leaves in Kanto

When one thinks of autumn in Kanto, Japan, the first image that comes to mind is...

Chiba Prefecture: Discovering Japan's Coastal Gem

Situated along the eastern coast of Honshu Island, Chiba boasts a diverse landsc...

Enter the world of the top luxury cruise ship in Japan

In Japan, there is a special train called Seven Stars that has become a popular ...

Instructions on how to go from Kansai airport to Kobe city

On the Kansai region, in addition to Osaka and Kyoto, the city of Kobe also attr...

Experience the culture when visiting Kochi Prefecture

Tourism today is no longer simply a vacation, sightseeing, eating but it is also...

Autumn watching Kochia grass hills in Japan

The land of the rising sun Japan each season has its own attractive beauty for v...

Kawazuzakura Matsuri – Cherry Blossom Festival

The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival (河津, Kawazuzakura Matsuri) is held annually...

Yayoi Matsuri – Drifting flower boat

The Yayoi Festival (in “Yayoi Matsuri” 弥 生 Japanese) takes place in Nikko, one...

Hiwarata Festival for Good Luck

Coming to the land of the rising sun, people can participate in different festiv...

Sanja Festival

The Sanja Matsuri (Sanja Festival) is an annual festival in the Asakusa district...

The nature of the Japanese countryside - Tamura city, F...

Referring to Japan travel is referring to trips to large cities with convenient ...

Things to do when traveling to Yamanashi Prefecture

Yamanashi is primarily known for being the home of Mount Fuji, but there's actua...

Explore the Japanese city of Kobe

With a favorable location between the sea and high mountains, Kobe city has many...

Discover the beauty of autumn in Nagano and Niigata Japan

If you want to explore the beauty of Japan's autumn in Nagano and Niigato, it ta...

Attractive destinations in Yamaguchi Prefecture

One destination that visitors cannot miss when coming to Yamaguchi is Motonosumi...

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