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Earthquake Preparedness Guide for Foreign Residents

Living in Japan offers incredible experiences, but being prepared for natural di...

Japan's Flawless Moving Services

When you make the decision to relocate to a new home in Japan, whether it's an a...

Don't go to Shibuya on Halloween

Halloween is getting more and more popular every year in Japan, and Shibuya is o...

Unmanned Shops in Japan: A Testament to Trust and Conve...

Many foreign tourists visiting Japan are often surprised by the presence of unma...

Hanabi - Japan's summer fireworks Festival

Hanabi (花火) translates to fireworks in Japanese, and it is considered one of t...

Discover bicycles and special rules in Japan

Tremendous advances in transportation technology have brought significant develo...

Why do you see so many cats in Japan

Cats have been an integral part of Japanese life and culture for a long time. Th...

How to use coin laundry laundry service in Japan

Coin laundry is a term used in Japan to refer to an automated laundry service. T...

Instructions for using the sento public bath in Japan

Public bathhouses in Japan, also known as sento, are an integral part of Japanes...

Popular means of transportation in Japan and important ...

Japan is a country known for its developed and diverse transportation system. Wi...

Unveiling the Trendsetters: Exploring the Youth Culture...

Dive into the vibrant world of Japanese youth culture as we uncover the latest t...

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