Delicious dishes from Matcha

Matcha in Japanese means "ground tea", a type of green tea powder with 100% natural origin. Matcha is ground from the young buds of the typical Japanese Tencha green tea plant.

Dec 6, 2022 - 10:10
Feb 3, 2023 - 08:26
Delicious dishes from Matcha

Enjoy the rich taste of Matcha ice cream at the old tea shop

Suzukien, a tea shop with a history of more than 150 years, is famous for its Matcha ice cream with 7 levels of richness numbered 1 to 7. Especially Matcha ice cream “number 7” is made from solid tea leaves. Especially, it has the strongest green tea flavor in the world, allowing diners to fully experience the taste of premium Matcha.

Matcha Parfait ice cream with lots of Uji tea

“Saryo Tsujiri” is a coffee shop belonging to “Tsujiri”, a shop specializing in Uji green tea established in 1860 in Kyoto. Coming to Saryo Tsujiri, diners can enjoy Matcha Parfait ice cream (*) with the main ingredient being Uji tea grown in the southern mountains of Kyoto and carefully selected.

Cute green tea Momiji Manju cake

“Chasho Kantei Cha-no-wa” is a brand of Matcha confectionery owned by “Ocha no Surugaen”, a tea shop that was established more than 50 years ago in Hiroshima. Usually, "Momiji Manju" is known as a famous traditional dish of the Hiroshima region, shaped like a maple leaf with a smooth red bean paste filling.

But the brand "Cha-no-wa" has launched the cake "Matcha Momiji Manju" which is completely different from the traditional cake that people know with its characteristic Matcha green outer shell and raw mashed red bean paste.

Feel the ice cream melt in your mouth with Mochi Matcha

Shizuoka Prefecture is one of the most famous tea growing spots in Japan. “Marifuku” is a mochi filled with fresh Matcha cream of the brand Gasho-an (Shizuoka City). The green tea cream inside the cake is wrapped with a smooth red bean paste and the outside is a soft sticky rice cake.

The sweet aroma and rich taste of Matcha ice cream made from premium green tea leaves harvested from tea hills in Shizuoka Prefecture make Mochi Matcha special.

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