6 Famous Yokai, mystical creatures from Japan

Yokai is a common name given to mystical creatures in Japan that are believed to cause supernatural or scientific phenomena that cannot be explained, and it has always been closely connected with the lives of the Japanese people.

Dec 26, 2022 - 07:59
Feb 3, 2023 - 08:41
6 Famous Yokai, mystical creatures from Japan

What is Yokai?
Yokai is a common name given to mystical creatures in Japan that are believed to cause supernatural or scientific phenomena that cannot be explained, and it has always been closely connected with the lives of the Japanese people. Since ancient times, in Japan it is believed that everything in this world possesses something sacred.

Japan's Famous Yokai
1. Kappa
Kappa is a famous yokai that every Japanese person knows. The body of this creature is covered in green and it has arms and legs. A distinctive feature of the kappa is the plate worn on its head. When this headpiece breaks or dries, the creature is weakened and eventually dies.

2. Oni (Demon)
The closest thing to oni that the western world has are goblins. Their skin color varies from one animal to another, but red and blue are the most common. Oni have one or two horns, large fangs and sharp claws.

3. Tengu
Tengu is a yokai with a red face, long nose and dressed as an ascetic. People fear them as a yokai that brings disaster to humans, but is also worshiped as a god of the mountains in different parts of the country.

4. Zashiki Warashi
The Zashiki warashi is a mascot whose legend has been handed down throughout the Tokoku region for many years. It dresses and looks like a child and lives in a human house.

5. Rokuro Kubi
Rokuro kubi is a yokai that often appears in classical Japanese literature and books. At first glance it looked like a normal person, but it had a terrifyingly long neck. There are several types of rokuro kubi that have floating necks and those that can lengthen their neck

6. Azuki Arai
Azuki arai is a Yokai that washes azuki beans on a riverbank for no particular reason. This creature is widely recognized in Japan and it occurs in many areas throughout the country.

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